Can Coaching Really Boost SAT Scores? - A Comprehensive Guide

Are SAT coaching services really worth it? Can they truly help students improve their scores? Learn about SAT training classes, design of the exam, English as a Second Language students and SAT counseling services.

Can Coaching Really Boost SAT Scores? - A Comprehensive Guide

Are SAT coaching services really worth it? Can they truly help students improve their scores? The answer is not a simple yes or no. While trained students may be slightly more likely to make big score gains than those who are untrained, the typical gain associated with training is only 8 points for verbal courses and 18 points for mathematics courses. Therefore, it is important to consider the individual needs of each student before deciding whether or not to invest in SAT coaching.

SAT Training Classes

SAT Training Classes are designed to provide a general overview of the exam and its various sections. However, these classes are “one size fits all” and may not be the best option for students who have specific learning needs in certain areas.

For example, if a student has difficulty mastering mathematics or needs to develop their vocabulary, an individual tutor may be a better option.

Design of the SAT

The SAT is not designed to make a student's life easier. In fact, confusing diagrams and superfluous information can make simple problems difficult. This is why it is important to understand the design of the exam and how it works in order to maximize your score.

English as a Second Language Students

For English as a Second Language (ESL) students, SAT classes can be very helpful in learning the language of the exam and its sections. Group learning can be especially beneficial for language learning, so these classes can be a great resource for ESL students.

SAT Counseling Services

SAT counseling services can also be useful for some students.

However, they should be used as a resource as needed rather than as a primary form of test preparation. It is important to remember that success on the SAT does not guarantee success in college.


In conclusion, SAT coaching services can be beneficial for some students, but it is important to consider each student's individual needs before investing in them. Therefore, it is important to understand the design of the exam and how it works in order to maximize your score.